Fuel Alabama, a program of Innovate Alabama and EDPA, Launches Statewide Talent Programming for Summer of 2023
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (April 25, 2023) – Fuel Alabama (FuelAL), a talent attraction and retention program of the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama (EDPA), in partnership with Innovate Alabama, is proud to announce its collaboration with nine select communities to offer summer programming for college students. Partnering communities will offer professional development, service opportunities and social events to summer interns throughout the state, focusing on their experience outside the workplace.
FuelAL connects undergraduate and graduate students to a region and its employers through community-building activities that showcase Alabama’s unique assets. Interns will broaden their networks and socialize with peers through professional workshops, team-building exercises and more. With this program, FuelAL will deepen connections and position Alabama as an attractive place for students to grow roots and start their lives as young professionals.
FuelAL programming will be hosted within the following nine communities across Alabama: Auburn, Birmingham, Baldwin County, Calhoun County, Dothan, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery and Tuscaloosa.
From beachside festivals to downtown concerts, each city has proposed a summer lineup of memorable events that will bring Alabama’s summer interns together to experience and celebrate their communities beyond the workplace.
“Our 2022 FuelAL Fellowship pilot impacted 17 student interns in a meaningful way, but we are ready to scale. By partnering with these nine communities, we’ll impact hundreds of talented students across the state,” said Miller Girvin, Executive Vice President of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at EDPA. “Our goal is to provide interns with personal and professional resources and exposure to unique experiences that define life in Alabama, in hopes they choose to make it their home long-term.”
To supplement the incredible experiences in interns’ host cities, EDPA will also host a Summer Summit, designed to engage and fuel relationships among community-oriented young professionals in disparate regions. Interns who have participated in events in their community will be given the opportunity to sign up for a fun-filled weekend with 40 fellow interns based throughout Alabama.
The first Summit will be a weekend in Muscle Shoals, enjoying the outdoors, culture and community that Northwest Alabama has to offer. Additional Summits, which will engage students as they near graduation, will be held in Fall 2023, Winter 2023 and Spring 2024.
For more information and updates to come, please see the EDPA website.
To learn more about unique programming within communities, please see FuelAL Host City contact information below:
- Birmingham: Trevor Sutton | tsutton@birminghambusinessalliance.com
- Huntsville: Annie Davis | adavis@hsvchamber.org
- Baldwin County/Mobile: McCall Lugo | mlugo@baldwineda.com or Abbey Huguley | ahuguley@mobilechamber.com
- Tuscaloosa: Justice Smyth | justice.smyth@tcoeda.com
- Auburn/Montgomery: Amy Brabham | abrabham@auburnalabama.org or Dr. Nichole Thompson | nthompson@thelabondexter.com
- Dothan: Hayden Camp | hcamp@southeastalabamaworks.com
- Calhoun County: Krychelle Smith | krychelles@calhounchamber.com
About Fuel Alabama (FuelAL)
FuelAL helps university students understand the range of opportunities available across Alabama by connecting them to communities and community employers. Through interactive events, such as industry treks, community service projects, social mixers and more, FuelAL helps young talent explore beyond the 9-to-5. With FuelAL, young professionals can make connections across the entire state and reap the benefits of living and working in Alabama. We believe that connecting talented students with communities and employers in every corner of the state is key to the success of Alabama’s economic future. We are committed to providing a platform for students to discover the many opportunities available to them and creating meaningful connections between students and employers throughout the state.
About Innovate Alabama
Innovate Alabama is Alabama’s first statewide public-private partnership focused on entrepreneurship, technology and innovation with a mission to help innovators grow roots here in Alabama. Innovate Alabama was established to implement the initiatives and recommendations set forth in the Alabama Innovation Commission’s report, including smart policy solutions that will create a more resilient, inclusive and robust economy to remain competitive in a 21st-century world. With founding CEO Cynthia Crutchfield leading the charge, Innovate Alabama is also made up of a board of 11 innovation leaders appointed by Gov. Ivey, collaborating across sectors to advance industries, drive technology and facilitate an environment where innovation and entrepreneurship thrive. Learn more about Innovate Alabama at www.innovatealabama.org.